Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bar Review: PMBR Simulated Test Tomorrow

I can't believe it is just two weeks until the exam. I have two competing feelings: One is utter panic and the other is more relaxed. When I look at the mountain of material I still haven't mastered, I panic. When I remember that everyone says "you'll do fine" and that the two weeks before the test are the most valuable, I relax a little. But can't relax too much.

The PMBR simulated test is tomorrow, so I am going over the MBE material today. I have got to get some of this memorized. As I read through the con law section, I am heartened that it seems to be getting into my head easier. I am going to review all six subjects today, make a few more flash cards, and take some more online practice questions.

OK, I lied. I am a little freaked out--OK, a lot freaked out. May clarity come upon me.

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