Monday, December 12, 2011

Pampering Yourself Is Important

I work awfully hard, so it is important for me to pamper myself equally hard. I don't do that enough and need to start. A pampered self makes a happy self. So say I.

I am looking for ways to make my skin softer and younger. I used to be very good at keeping up with things like that, but now that I am working multiple jobs, skincare is one of the things at the bottom of the list. But it shouldn't be.

I was at the mall the other day, and there was a kiosk that was selling dead sea salt.  The guy really wanted me to stop and try the product, which I did. It was wonderful! He talked to me a little too long, which was annoying, but the salt made my hands feel so smooth. I need to use more products like that.

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