Saturday, March 24, 2012

Now I Know That I Am A Real Lawyer: I Have Been Fired Twice (In One Week)

As my headline says, now I know I am a real lawyer. I have been fired. Twice. In One Week!

What the heck happened? Were both of the situation foreseeable? I think so.

One was a disability client, who was kind of problematic from the get-go. Every conversation was a headache. She was edgy all the time. Had a tone in her voice. I knew it was not a great relationship. I decided to grin and bear it. She is of course anxious about getting her money. I told her it would take a while. Not even a year into her case, and she was impatient. Can't blame her, but that is how these cases are. Also, the more I got into her case, the less I was sure she would win anyway. There was weak evidence, and she wasn't honest about what was wrong with her. She wanted to release me. I said OK. I felt a little bad for a while. My mentor said, don't worry. It happens all the time. She might even want to come back. Don't know how I would feel if that turns out to be the case.

Second situation involved a juvenile case. Custody and child support. The mother and father are young and unmarried and squabble all the time. Felt like I was herding cats. I made some progress, but the case got stuck. Could not move it forward, and my client was wanting unreasonable amounts of support. I tried to explain that more than likely, that would not  happen, but my client didn't want to hear that. I offered to withdraw, and they have taken me up on it. So maybe this was not a firing after all?? hmmmm. So I guess, I had one firing and I withdrew from one case this week. That sounds better.In the end, it is better I don't have these two cases. Now I can concentrate on my other clients.

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