Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Sopranos in HD

Content by Mitch Osborne

One of my absolutely favorite shows to watch is The Sopranos, and although I have been a fan of the show since it first premiered on HBO in 1999 I have got to say that the first time I watched it in HD I was totally blown away. The sharpness of the picture made me look at the show as if I were seeing it for the very first time. The color alone was fantastic but I noticed details in the show that I had missed viewing it with regular television.

The photography of the area in which the show is set, the New Jersey area, came alive for me. I noticed that the cinematography was phenominal, the architecture of the buildings in the area shots possessed a beauty of it's own that I had never noticed before HD. The sharpness of the picture gave me a new appreciation for the simple beauty of the areas shown.

I noticed that the HD also gave a new life to the action scenes that I never appreciated before. I noticed new things in the fight scenes and discovery scenes that I missed when I first watched the show. The characters took on a new appearance that I had never noticed before. It was so amazing to realize what I had missed before the innovation of satelite tv.

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