Thursday, February 3, 2011

Name Tags Are Good

I have a really good memory for names and faces--I really do. But there are those times when even the best of the best at remembering names and faces needs a little help in that area. I'll always remember a face, but sometimes a name escapes me, especially when I haven't seen someone in ages, or if I was distracted when I met them. And there are the cases, when you never did know someone's name. You can't remember a name if you never knew it. That happened to me in college. I went to a big college, and now I remember people's faces, but can't recall their names, because I never learned their name. We needed nametags in school! That is why I always like it now when there are nametags on hand. It saves everyone a lot of grief. And at a meeting, it is good to have name plates. It just makes everything easier and cuts down on embarrassment.

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