Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Self Storage Units Come In Handy

Right after my grandmother died, I had no good way to move her furniture to my house several states away. I was upset--I couldn't afford at that moment to rent a u-haul it truck, and no one could lend me the money. My grandmother had left me some beautiful furniture, and it was important to her that I have it. And it was important to me that I get it. What was I to do?

Luckily for me, there was a self storage unit near her house. It was so close to her house, in fact, that we could walk between her apartment and the self storage unit I rented, which made it easy.

I had to keep that self storage unit for almost a year until I could figure out how to get the furniture to my home. I finally rented a van and then had my cousin help me load the van, and hired a couple of guys to help me unload it when I got back home. But if I hadn't been able to store my grandmother's furniture for a while, it would have been sad indeed. I am grateful it was there.

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