Monday, December 22, 2008

DUI Defense

As I study for the bar exam again, I wonder what kind of law I will end up practicing. DUI defense is not likely, but then you never know. It would be good to have some experience in that area, as DUI is one of those things that the average Joe can be charged with at anytime. Not to mention any one of countless friends.

Anymore in Nashville, you can get stopped by the police for anything and everything, and if you have had some drinks, may be doing the famous field sobriety tests. Seems like the police are concentrating so much on drunk driving at the expense of other crimes, but that is a whole 'nother story. The local police chief has even started enlisting the help of the Vanderbilt University police in this crackdown, which I think is wierd.

You hear so much about celebrities in California getting charged with DUI/DWI. I wonder if any of them have used these Los Angeles Criminal and DUI Defense Attorneys.

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