Saturday, January 29, 2011

I Need Younger Looking Skin

My skin actually looks pretty good, but I have fallen off the wagon in terms of doing anti-aging activities. I did start taking vitamins again recently, so that is a start. But I used to be vigil about skin care, but that was before law school. My life can be divided into pre-law school and post law school. Once I started law school, things like that fell away.

But now I am done and anxious to start again. I am thinking about getting on a skin care system, so want to research some of them like Cindy Crawford's skin care system and some of the others. I really need to
learn some of the more recent anti-aging skin tips, since things have changed since I was on top of all that info. There seems to be so many products out there, it is really hard to know what is what. I am going to read up on some of the European anti-aging systems and see what they offer. My face looks pretty good, but my hands have caught up with me. I need to figure out what to do to make them look better. I have heard you can tell a woman's age by her hands. Oh no!

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