Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Weather Outside Is Beautiful!

October is a wonderful month in the south. It is the perfect weather to be outside--sometimes you have to wear a sweater, but for the most part it is still warm but not bloody hot. You can actually go outside and enjoy a walk, a football game, or a picnic and not be sweltering but also not bundled up.

But even in the south, it gets cold come November and especially December. I live in an area where the weather can change quickly from warm to cool to cold to blistering hot all in a few hours or days. Well OK, maybe it is not that drastic, but it can fool people from out of town. "It was so hot yesterday--what happened?" you'll see some people shuddering as they huddle by in the unexpected cold wind. "That's just the way the weather is here," we locals will respond. It does make it hard when you only packed for one kind of weather or another and you get hit with a total unexpected change of temperature.

There are times in December/January/February that it is just too cold to be outside. Then you really have to be prepared. I have heard of heated gloves and I may look into them. That along with heated socks may help take the chill off when you just have to be outside and it is 17 degrees F.

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