Sunday, November 18, 2007

Getting Backed Up in Law School

I said it wouldn't happen this year, but it has: I have gotten backed up again in law school. When you are working full time and going to school full time, there is no wonder this happens. But I wanted to take a different tack this year. Oh well.

I have already had two final exams this year in domestic relations and negotiable instruments. Neither grade is back, but we might find out what we made in negotiable this week. It was a hard test--too long for the time allotted, and most people think they did badly. I had done well on all the quizzes leading up to the final, but the final was harder. I got to go back and review most of the multiple choice questions during the test period, but my answers on the essay questions were too short.

Because I had spent so much time on these two courses, I got behind in my other two courses. Now, I have to catch up in con law and conflicts. I have a midterm in con law coming up soon, and we suspect we will have a quiz in conflicts. I am terribly behind in my reading and the concepts in conflicts just escape me. So my work is cut out for me the next month!

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