Friday, March 11, 2011

When Books Fall Apart

When I was studying for the bar exam, I was reading some of the books so much, they were falling apart at the seams. Literally the pages were falling out. That was frustrating, because when you are dealing with important information, such as what you are using to study for the bar exam, you don't need the pages to be out of place. And, you don't want the pages to fall out and lose them. I work at a printing plant, and there is a man there who took my books and tried to patch them up. That worked for a while, but then the pages were coming loose again. It would have been better to just get them professionally bound. I think there are a number of companies that do that. I have heard of Velo Bind and am sure there are many others. Next time a book of mine is falling apart, I will take it to a pro.

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