Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bar Review: Con Law and the Second Amendment

Today we discussed constitutional law in the BarBri review. This was one of the last subjects I had in school, so the topic is still fresh on my mind. I have felt good, because so far, I have not felt totally lost in any subject in the review. Rightly so, you may think, but looking back over law school, there were plenty of times I was totally confused. Especially first year. Subjects like torts and contracts really threw me with all the legal twists and turns. But over the next three years, aspects of these areas crept into other areas of law and I guess took root. So now in bar review, it is not like I am starting over with torts and the other subjects. Thank goodness! I feel like I now understand these subjects, even though I have a lot of memorizing to do before the bar.

Today, we discussed the Bill of Rights and the amendments that have not been incorporated into the states through the 14th amendment. One of them is the 2nd amendment, the right to bear arms. This means that any state could decide to have gun control and it would be OK. That is good news to me. The case in D.C. right now may decide if it is incorporated. I hope it isn't, as we need some kind of gun control. The Supreme Court decision today on Gitmo gives me hope that this creeping conservative court will not lay aside legal principles to make right wingers happy.

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