Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bar Review: Feeling A Little Depressed

I am looking ahead to next week and am feeling a little depressed. It is not reallyl what you may think. Yes, I am depressed about the mountain of studying that is ahead of me and doesn't seem to get any easier. And yes, I am a little depressed that my practice test scores don't seem to get better. What I am really depressed about (except of course for the checks that bounced in my account this morning because I forgot to make a deposit yesterday) is that after next Tuesday, for a week, we will not have Barbri anymore. I have liked going to class, because that has put me in contact with others, and as I mentioned the other day, it feels as if we are one big team. Now I will be studying for a week on my own, and that seems very lonely. Then we have the 3-day PMBR test, which will be nice, but then two and a half weeks on my own. I am feeling very lonely and overwhelmed.

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