Monday, June 23, 2008

Shocking News About Amy Winehouse

I really don't know much about Amy Winehouse, but I have caught snippets of her music, and it is good. All I have heard about is her bizarre behavior, and about her being one of the "rehab sisters." The news came out yesterday or today that she has emphysema, and she is only 24! I did not realize that someone so young could get that. Like lung cancer, it seemed to me that that was a disease you got after abusing your body for a long time. (Of course, there are the nonsmoking kinds of lung cancer.) This is really so sad. Apparently, if she doesn't stop using drugs and smoking, she may have to go on oxygen. I hope she can pull herself together and take care of herself and stop using drugs. And that there is something they can do to reverse the symptoms, or that there will be something they can do sometime soon. She is too young to have to face these consequences, even if she did do it to herself.

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