Monday, July 30, 2007

(Almost) Showdown at NO-K Corral

My relative, the CEO at my company, had another meltdown at me today. Got upset again about something minor. He was in my face, upset that I had done something he told me not to do. Understand of course, that what he told me not to do is part of my regular routine. I told him, "I have already done it," about 8 times. And understand that the fact that I had already done it is NO BIG DEAL. He said I was getting behind in my work, which is not true. I was caught up by mid afternoon. WTF?????? I think he had to eat crow later, when I presented him with all the stuff he said I was behind on. I can't stand it when he does gross exaggeration or distorts the truth or facts.

He just doesn't get that I juggled many more balls where I worked before and that this is NO BIG DEAL. REALLY. GET OVER IT. And I am pretty sure that when we talked last week about people being more positive in the workplace, he had no clue that I was mainly talking about HIM.


On another more pleasant subject, I am watching the reruns of the Sopranos on A&E, and it is just as darn good as the first time.

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