Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Life Near A Medical Center

For years, I have lived near a major medical center. I used to dream of working there, handling their communications and PR. I never did that, even though I did that kind of work on the university side of things. And I loved it. Yet, the medical center did and still does call out for me. I guess I am a frustrated doctor.

I see the medical students come and go in their scrubs, and think--that could have been me! I especially think a teaching hospital, with all of its research, would be a fascinating place to work. I can't imagine a more satisfying line of work. Helping to heal people and sometimes give them a new lease on life. Of course, there would be sad times in being a doctor too. But I would think the good and happy would outweigh the bad.

But I am a journalist and a lawyer. Too late to go to medical school--that is for sure. No scrubs for me, unless I am sleeping in them. http://www.blueskyscrubs.com/

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